


BLOG 72: Active activists

Throughout history, the world of sport and activism have often collided. Because athletes and clubs gain exposure, many have decided to use their power to change our world for the better. It is no surprise that in the UK too, campaigns, charity events and movements are often supported by sportspeople. Marcus Rashford, Premier League captains, and many more have raised their voices about issues that mattered to them. But you don't have to go all the way to the top to find examples. Bellahouston Roadrunners are based in Glasgow and started their own campaign, #LightTheWay."For the past couple of years,…
MarathonOlympicsScottish Women in Tokyo

Blog 59: Get in the Zone

"For me, it's not about pumping really loud music, it’s more about being relaxed and embracing those nerves. Seeing them more as adrenaline and something that will spur you on. You have those nerves because you care."  Stephanie Davis, is competing in the Marathon in the 2021 Olympics for Team GB, she shared with us at SWIS, her story.  The Olympics trials were suppose to be part of the London Marathon in 2020, which for obvious reasons didn't go ahead, meaning Steph was forced to do her try-out, behind closed doors. Talk about pressure (spoiler: she made it): "Covid has…
Hannah Scott
July 30, 2021