Women in Leadership Research

Women in Leadership research was commissioned by SW/S as they believe it is vital for furthering the cause of women in sport to fill a knowledge gap around perceptions of women in leadership roles, and understand whether the picture in Scotland was improving or not, and if not, why not.

SW/S has a simple vision – an inclusive Scotland where there is gender equality in all areas.  Through the power of sport, SW/S works to impact on the culture of sport in Scotland to ensure that equality and parity are reached in every aspect of sport and that all women and girls have equal opportunity to participate, officiate, coach and lead.

Registered as a Scottish Charity they work to impact on the culture of sport in Scotland and ensure that equality and parity are achieved in every aspect of sport with equal opportunity to participate, officiate, coach and lead. Comprising eleven Trustees who believe that to accelerate equality in sport, change from a ‘top down’ perspective is required.

You can contact Maureen McGonigle at scottishwomeninsport@gmail.com and for more information on our activities, visit Scottishwomeninsport.co.uk