Scottish Women in Sport (SW/S) was launched in 2013 with a view to raising awareness and increasing the profile of all opportunities for women and girls to participate in any area in sport and at any level. We are a charity and are led by a group of dedicated Trustees and supported by a vibrant set of volunteers who make up the SW/S Digital Committee.

Our visionĀ 

A Scotland where women and girls have equal opportunities to thrive in all areas of sport.

Our mission

We will advocate for change, elevate voices and enable growth for Scottish women and girls in sport.

Our 3 Pillars

Advocate – Celebrate – Grow

Over the past ten years we have delivered an annual conference focusing on the issues that matter and impact on women in sport, as well as an annual awards event, where we celebrate the many successes and achievements of women through a variety of categories.

Our research – Women in Sports Leadership (2021) – highlighted the gender imbalance in many leadership roles in sport and our aim is to address that balance and work towards equality for women and girls in sport. Following on from that research we now work in partnership with SAMH (Scottish Action for Mental Health), to deliver a Young Women in Sports Leadership programme, which was created for young women, by young woman.

Using our platforms we work with Scottish Governing Bodies, sports organisations, athletes, officials, and more, to highlight positive change and challenge those who continue to exclude or undermine the involvement of women and girls in the sporting arena.